
"Wendelin" Big Data Libre Announced at MariaDB Community Event

Launch of Wendelin Exanalytics at MariaDB conference, Santa Clara, April 3
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BDH first release with repman / mariadb: Automatically deploy cluster and request databases

A blog post about the creation Replication Manager software release and how to request databases.
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Optimising MariaDB for Big Data

MariaDB is used at the core of ERP5 and Wendelin. Thanks to NEO distributed object store, MariaDB can store hundred terabyte of big data information such as wind turbine vibration, noise, server logs, etc. We explain in this blog how we currently optimise MariaDB to obtain good results and what remains to be done at the core of MariaDB to reach even further scalability.
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High Peformance Multi-core Python at Nexedi

Nexedi has been able to use python language in a multi-core high performance fashion for over 10 years. We explain how in this blog and provide a simple set of rules to quickly remember how and why python is suitable for concurrent programming. We also explain our decision to use golang in rare cases where python is not suitable.
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Technology Showcase: Leveraging MariaDB in NEOs Distributed Storage Architecture

This blog post showcases NEO, a distributed, redundant and transactional storage designed to be an alternative to ZEO and FileStorage and how MariaDB is leveraged within the NEO system architecture.
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