RINA: Creating a RINA Testing Environment in SlapOS

Nexedi is a member of the "Pristine" project whose objective is to develop a software kit for next generation networking based on RINA. This blog post and tutorial will give an overview over RINA , Pristine and Nexedi's role in the project as well as demonstrating how to setup RINA on a number of SlapOS virtual machines.
  • Last Update:2016-11-07
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Introducing RINA

RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) is the re-imagining of the current structure that underlies the Internet as we know it. This structure is based on layers of separate, bespoke protocols (OSI Model). RINA aims to replace all of these layers with a single, unified protocol that is recursively layered in order to provide the same functionality. The additional benefits of this is approach are availability of features that the current design does not natively support (for example multihoming), while at the same time addressing many of the longstanding shortcoming such as high routing complexity and suboptimal congestion control.

The Pristine Project

Nexedi is a member of the Pristine project alongside large industrial partners such as Telefonica, Ericsson or Thales (full list of consortium partners). Pristine was initialized in 2013 and aims to develop a software development kit for the IRATI RINA Linux OS prototype, research sophisticated policies for DIF layers, develop a DIF management system and apply its findings to commercially exploitable solutions.

Nexedi's Role in Pristine

Our role in this project consists of making mesh networks scale in distributed clouds, implement fairer routing and adding RINA support to SlapOS. Within this scope one of the tasks we are currently working on is the implementation of the BABEL protocol (RFC6126) into RINA. BABEL is a robust vector-distance protocol, that calculates routes with much less message overhead than conventional protocols in use (like OSPF). It also does so while being aware of network metrics such as latency and packet loss, which current protocols ignore aswell. General obstacles for achieving this port include non-existent support for RINA in normal "computer setups" and the incompleteness of documentation and features of RINA by nature of its work-in-progress status.

RINA in the Cloud

As Nexedi is a company commited to cloud-based development and operation, integrating a protocol into SlapOS, which is currently more geared for traditional networks makes this whole port much more challenging and interesting. To get our feet on the ground, our first step was the automation of creating "RINA Ready" systems for development on SlapOS using Ansible. In addition, we wanted to implement a network setup that allows to run RINA in SlapOS along the way providing samples and utilities to help non active RINA developers to be able to understand and leverage RINA in their own applications.

Tutorial: Creating a small IRATI RINA Testing Environment in SlapOS

To get started we have created a small walkthrough showing how to setup RINA on SlapOS.

Screenshot: Implementing RINA in SlapOS - Setup

Step 1: Installing RINA Kernel

  1. Start out with your desired number of KVMs in SlapOS (Tutorial: Request a KVM on SlapOS). Install a fresh Debian/Ubuntu on each KVM. Switch to root and install ansible and tinc using:

    apt-get update && apt-get install ansible tinc
  2. Next, download the latest ansible install script into the current directory using wget:

    wget https://lab.nexedi.cn/AaronChen/RINA-Quick/blob/master/rina.yml
  3. Run ansible with the newly downloaded script. This will begin the process of compiling the rina kernel and associated tools. It will take a couple of hours, so see you in a bit.

    ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local rina.yml
  4. When the ansible script is finished, the new kernel will be compiled but will not be set as the default boot kernel. We are using the grub bootloader on a fresh default Debian install. So this can be done by editing the grub config file located at:


    and changing:



  5. Save the file and then run update-grub to put the change into effect:

  6. Reboot the system and check if the correct kernel is loaded by attempting to load a rina module:

    modprobe normal-ipcp

    If this completes without any warnings, the rina kernel is now being used.

  7. Repeat this RINA kernel installation procedure on all your VMs.

Step 2: Setup tinc VPN

Now that the RINA kernel is installed, the next step is setting up the tinc VPN. The tinc VPN requires a node that is not behind a NAT or can be port forwarded to (655 by default). This node operates as a gateway into the VPN and is required. Standard SlapOS VMs do not satisfy this requirement at this point. Possible alternatives are a non-standard SlapOS VMs with the proper ports forwarded, bare metal SlapOS, or a third party VM.

  1. On each node (including the "server"), create a tinc configuration folder:

    mkdir -p /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/hosts

    and configuration file:

    /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/tinc.conf

    with the contents:

    a. For the "server" nodes:
      Name = "SERVER NAME"
      AddressFamily = ipv4
      Interface = tap0
      DeviceType = tap
      Mode = switch
    b. For the "client" nodes:
      AddressFamily = ipv4
      Interface = tap0
      DeviceType = tap
      Mode = switch
      ConnectTo = "SERVER NAME"
  2. Create host file on the "server" node:

    /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/hosts/"SERVER NAME"

    with the contents

  3. Generate key pairs for each node:

    tincd -n "NETWORK NAME" -K

    and accept the default save locations.

  4. Each VM will now have a file in the hosts folder named after its unique name. This file should contain each nodes public key. Distribute the server host file into the hosts folder of every node and then put the host file for every node into the server’s host folder:

    server's host folder
      /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/hosts
        ->"SERVER NAME"
    client 1's host folder
      /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/hosts
        ->"SERVER NAME"
    client 2's host folder
      /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/hosts
        ->"SERVER NAME"
  5. Create the interface files at each VM:

    /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/tinc-down

    with the contents:

    ifconfig $INTERFACE down	


    /etc/tinc/"NETWORK NAME"/tinc-up

    with the contents:

    ifconfig $INTERFACE up	

    Finally, make them exectuable:

    chmod 733 tinc-*	
  6. Set the network to start on boot. Inside:


    add the line:


    Restart the VMs, the tinc daemon will start on boot, running ifconfig should show the tap0 interface. Tinc is now sucessfully installed.

    Screenshot: Implementing RINA in SlapOS

Setup RINA

  1. In every VM, create the necessary startup shell scripts to load the kernel modules and VLAN interfaces.

    module load script:
    modprobe shim-eth-vlan
    modprobe rina-default-plugin
    modprobe normal-ipcp
    interface vlan script
    Client 1:
    ip link add link tap0 name tap0.100 type vlan id 100
    ip link set dev tap0 up
    ip link set dev tap0.100 up
    Client 2:
    ip link add link tap0 name tap0.100 type vlan id 100
    ip link add link tap0 name tap0.101 type vlan id 101
    ip link set dev tap0 up
    ip link set dev tap0.100 up
    ip link set dev tap0.101 up
    Client 3:
    ip link add link tap0 name tap0.101 type vlan id 101
    ip link set dev tap0 up
    ip link set dev tap0.101 up
  2. Edit the ipcm config file (sample config files can be found at here). A more detailed explanation of the settings can be found on the IRATI repository.

    Client 1 (Default settings should be correct):		
    ipcProcessToCreate section:
      "ipcProcessesToCreate": [{
        "type": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "apName": "test-eth-vlan",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "100"
      }, {
        "type": "normal-ipc",
        "apName": "test1.IRATI",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "normal.DIF",
        "difsToRegisterAt": ["100"]
    difConfigurations section:
      "difConfigurations" : [{
        "difName": "100",
        "difType": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "configParameters": {
          "interface-name": "tap0"
    knownIPCProcessAddresses section:
      "knownIPCProcessAddresses" : [{
       "apName": "test1.IRATI",
       "apInstance": "1",
       "address": 16
      }, {
       "apName": "test2.IRATI",
       "apInstance": "1",
       "address": 17
    Client 2:		
    ipcProcessToCreate section:
      "ipcProcessesToCreate": [{
        "type": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "apName": "test-eth-vlan",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "100"
       }, {
        "type": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "apName": "test-eth-vlan2",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "101"
       }, {
        "type": "normal-ipc",
        "apName": "test2.IRATI",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "normal.DIF",
        "difsToRegisterAt": ["100", "101"]
    difConfigurations section:
      "difConfigurations" : [{
        "difName": "100",
        "difType": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "configParameters": {
          "interface-name": "tap0"
      }, {
        "difName": "101",
        "difType": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "configParameters": {
          "interface-name" : "tap0"
    knownIPCProcessAddresses section:
      "knownIPCProcessAddresses" : [{
       "apName": "test1.IRATI",
       "apInstance": "1",
       "address": 16
      }, {
       "apName": "test2.IRATI",
       "apInstance": "1",
       "address": 17
       "apName": "test3.IRATI",
       "apInstance": "1",
       "address": 18
    Client 3 (Default settings should be correct):		
    ipcProcessToCreate section:
      "ipcProcessesToCreate" : [{
        "type": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "apName": "test-eth-vlan",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "101"
       }, {
        "type": "normal-ipc",
        "apName": "test3.IRATI",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "difName": "normal.DIF",
        "difsToRegisterAt": ["101"]
    difConfigurations section:
      "difConfigurations" : [{
        "difName": "101",
        "difType": "shim-eth-vlan",
        "configParameters": {
          "interface-name": "tap0"
    knownIPCProcessAddresses section:
      "knownIPCProcessAddresses" : [{
        "apName": "test2.IRATI",
        "apInstance": "1",
        "address": 17
      }, {
        "apName": "test3.IRATI",
         "apInstance": "1",
         "address": 18
  3. On each VM, load the IPCM (IPC Manager) with the config file using:

    run both the module and interface startup script
    ipcm -c /etc/ipcmanager.conf
  4. Connect to the ipcm manger using the command:

    telnet localhost 32766
    Screenshot: Implementing RINA in SlapOS

    To check if the ipcm is properly configured, use the command:


    It should return something like this:

    Current IPC processes (id | name | type | state | Registered applications | Port-ids of flows provided)
        1 | test-eth-vlan:1:: | shim-eth-vlan | ASSIGNED TO DIF 100 | test1.IRATI-1-- | 4
        2 | test1.IRATI:1:: | normal-ipc | ASSIGNED TO DIF normal.DIF | - | -
    Screenshot: Implementing RINA in SlapOS
  5. Enroll the VM’s in the ipcm console using the command:

    client 1:
    enroll-to-dif 2 normal.DIF 100 test2.IRATI 1
    client 3:
    enroll-to-dif 2 normal.DIF 101 test2.IRATI 1
  6. The RINA enviroment is now setup. Using the comands:

    client 1:
    rina-echo-time -l
    client 3:
    rina-echo-time -c 100

Round up

The above steps should give you a working rina connection to explore and play around with. We will continue to post small tutorials as the project progresses showing how RINA can be utilized in our existing software stack. So make sure to check back.


  • Photo Sven Franck
  • Logo Nexedi
  • Sven Franck
  • sven (dot) franck (at) nexedi (dot) com