Press Release
Digital Boiler finds with VIFIB its first commercial application
to run mission critical ERP and CRM applications on the Cloud based on
open source ERP5.
Paris, Grenoble, May 21st. Stimergy - inventor of the
digital boiler - and VIFIB - inventor of decentralized cloud
computing - jointly announce a technology agreement that will increase
Cloud Computing resiliency and reduce its CO2 footprint. Under this
agreement, VIFIB will use Stimergy servers to power its cloud computing
services. Stimergy will use VIFIB open source technologies to accelerate
its development.
Dr. Jean-Paul SMETS, CEO of VIFIB, announces "the Stimergy Digital Boiler is a very reliable server for mission critical applications
such as ERP or CRM. In order to reach zero CO2 emissions. Stimergy
turns the heat produced by Cloud Computing into hot water for
households, in winter as well as in summer. And with kadeploy remote
maintenance technology, it is easy to deploy SlapOS system images on
Stimergy servers."
Christophe PERRON, CEO of Stimergy, adds: "VIFIB has developped
since 2010 SlapOS open source technology for Cloud Computing. SlapOS
has become a mature platform that can accelerate the implementation of a
resilient and decentralized cloud computing infrastructure. Stimergy
will leverage SlapOS components to implement its own software platform
and contribute to common research and development."
Christophe Cérin, Professor at Paris 13 University, concludes
"Both VIFIB and Stimergy are brainchilds of Grid5000, the largest grid
computing infrastructure worldwide. Initial integration of kadeploy
and SlapOS is very promising. We hope to see it in production for a
large project in 2014."

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Jean-Paul Smets - CEO Nexedi SA - jp (at) nexedi (dot) com - Tel. +33 (0)6 29 02 44 25
Christophe Perron - CEO Stimergy SA - christophe.perron (at) stimergy (dot) com - Tel. +33 (0)6 68 83 34 63
About Stimergy
Stimergy re-invents datacenters integrating them in smart cities. Based on its innovation, the data furnace, Stimergy deploys today the digital world of tomorrow. By installing its mini-datacenters in multi-family residential or tertiary buildings, Stimergy recycles the
heat generated by its servers for the building energy needs.
Interconnecting all its data furnaces thanks to optical fiber, Stimergy
invents the decentralised datacenter with no energy impact for our
energy transition society.
About ViFiB
ViFiB, a company of Nexedi Group, is specialized in "Post Cloud" Computing services for companies that require increased flexibility, higher resiliency and better trade secret. ViFiB operates SlapOS on a
decentralized infrastructure designed to protect critical corporate data against possible
downtime or destruction. ViFiB is a major
contributor to SlapOS open source provisioning and billing technology.
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About SlapOS
SlapOS is an open source provisioning and billing software optimized for high performance, high resiliency, low operating cost and low power usage. SlapOS modular
architecture supports all aspects
of "Post Cloud" technologies, including "No Datacenter", "Edge Computing" and "Multi-Cloud". SlapOS includes support for virtualization (kvm, ZeroVM), a portable Web based Platform as a Service (PaaS) and an application store for Software as a Service (SaaS).
SlapOS technology unifies through a single DevOps paradigm
the automation of modern infrastructure: administration, deployment, provisioning,
configuration, monitoring, backup,
restore, test, upgrade, data migration and billing. SlapOS is compatible with major industry standards (VMWare,
OpenStack, Amazon, Azure, etc.) and architectures (Intel, ARM, MIPS, etc.).
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About Nexedi
Nexedi is the creator and leader of the ERP5 Open Source ERP project. Nexedi has developed and deployed ERP5 for a wide range of industries such as aerospace, apparel, banking, healthcare and government. ERP5 is used in companies of all sizes in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South Americas. The open source nature of ERP5 eliminates licensing costs and provides full freedom to update and customise the system as business requirements change with no single vendor lock-in.
Nexedi is a major contributor to the SlapOS technology, an open source provisioning and billing software optimized for high performance, high resiliency, low operating cost and low power usage.
Nexedi provides 24H around-the-clock support to corporations and governments wishing to migrate their mission critical applications to open source software solutions.
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SlapOS is a registered trademark of ViFiB. Nexedi and ERP5 are registered trademarks of Nexedi.